3rd Period: Math (Standard) Assignments

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Past Assignments



12/18: Test Day 1
12/19: Test Day 2
12/20: Makeup Work
12/21: 1/2 Day (Makeup Work)



12/4: Recognizing Proportional Relationships
12/5: Proportional Relationships with Tables and Graphs
12/6: Unit Rate and Proportional Equations
12/7: Connecting Representations of Proportional Relationships
12/8: Ratios and Proportions Quiz 



11/27: Writing Equations from Word Problems
11/28: Writing Equations and Inequalities from Word Problems
11/29: Review for Test (Equations, Inequalities, Word Problems)
11/30: Test (Equations, Inequalities, Word Problems)
12/1: Task Card Activity (Classwork Grade)



10/30: Math Test Day 1
10/31: Math Test Day 2 (20 minutes)- Moving on to Review of One Step Equations
11/1: Substitute- Practice Expressions and One- Step Equations
11/2: Substitute- Practice Expressions and One- Step Equations
11/3: PowerSchool Assessment and Begin Two Step Equations (Terminology)



 Quiz on 8/23
The quiz will cover the following: Integers resulting in the value of zero, reading integers from a number line, determining if a number is greater than, less than, or equal to 0. Solving integer problems with addition and subtraction. Know what the rules are for adding and subtracting integers. Know how to solve addition and subtraction integer problems using a number line and integer tiles. 



Monday Class: Modeling Addition and Subtraction of Integers
Monday Homework: Use a number line, stacking method, and integer tiles to find the solution of the following problems:
1) -1+8
2) 4-2
3) 7-11
Tuesday Class: Rules for adding and subtracting integers (continuation of Monday's lesson)
Tuesday Homework: Modeling Addition and Subtraction of Integers (#'s 1-10)
Wednesday Class: Adding and Subtracting Integers with Double Signs
Wednesday Homework: Finish problems not finished in class.
Thursday Class: Addition and Subtraction of Rational Numbers
Thursday Homework: Finish problems not finished in class.
Friday Class: Opposites and Zero Pairs
Friday Homework: Finish problems not finished in class. 



The Order of Operations "Bat" will be completed in class tomorrow since our assembly was held today. It is NOT for homework.
Have a wonderful afternoon.
Ms. Davis